I just finished watching the debate and was wondering who planned it to be a hatchet job on Perry. The questions and their timing made it look like Fox had their people go after a Perry/Romney confrontation with an emphasis on hurting Perry. The quest for TV ratings seems to have supplanted the search for the truth! The last question, pick your VP now, was a TV Game farce. I would have to say that the loser of the night was Fox. – JS
The Federal Reserve took steps yesterday to stimulate the economy by buying long-term Treasury bonds in order to lower interest rates on mortgages, but the market responded negatively with the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index dropping 3 percent. [And then the market absolutely tanked again today! The Fed doesn’t have a clue and needs to learn the old saw that “when in doubt, do nothing! – JS]
Three Worst States to Conduct Business: California, New York, Illinois. Texas, North Carolina and South Carolina were viewed as having the best business climates… Things in Common:
- Illinois, New York, and California all have Democratic governors.
- Illinois, New York, and California all have governors beholden to public unions.
- Illinois, New York, and California are not right to work states.
- Texas, North Carolina, and South Carolina are all right-to-work states.
- Texas, North Carolina, and South Carolina do not have governors beholden to public unions.
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H. L. Mencken
“If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law.”
Winston Churchill
"The Republic was not established by cowards; and cowards will not preserve it ... This will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." -- Elmer Davis
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