
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

On Obama’s Narcissism & Straw Men

From John Sykes

Our Narcissist-In-Chief said this Friday:

"If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. ... The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together…"

Charles Krauthammer argued on Fox that Obama is resorting to a straw-man argument,  and hypocrisy, saying:

"This is a man who spent a trillion dollars and left not a residue. He could have, for example, done something about the electric grid. He did nothing on that. Instead, he sprinkled the money on cronies, on pie in the sky ideological fetishes like solar panels and electric cars. ... Money that is wasted, it's water on the sand. He did not leave behind a residue of all that and yet he speaks about infrastructure. All of us want to do infrastructure, but real infrastructure, and then leave the rest of life to the private individual and the entrepreneur…"

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) chimed in with:

"Every now and then, [Obama] pierces the veil. He's usually pretty coy about his ideology, but he lets the veil slip from time to time. … His straw man argument is this ridiculous caricature where he's trying to say if you want any security in life, you stick with me. If you go with these Republicans, they're going to feed you to the wolves because they believe in some Hobbesian state of nature, and it's one or the other, which is complete bunk, absolutely ridiculous. ... To me it's the laziest form of a debate to affix views to your opponent that they do not have so you can demonize them and defeat them and win the debate by default."

Straw men catch fire and burn very easily. Obama’s narcissism is being severely tested and he’s cracking. His statist, collectivist slip is showing. This may have been his defining moment, the moment that finally made it clear to We The People who and what he really is. Good riddance …

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

An Internet Blackout Over Censorship –Tell your politicians to stuff SOPA & PIPA!

By John Sykes

If you’ve had trouble getting certain places on the internet today, this is why:


From Heritage’s “The Morning Bell”:

  • As of midnight, Wikipedia is shut down for 24 hours, and hundreds of other popular websites have gone dark right along with it. They are standing together in protest of two controversial pieces of legislation that threaten Internet security and undermine the freedom of speech all in an effort to crack down on online “piracy” — the illegal distribution of copyrighted material.
  • Hollywood, the music industry, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have gone to bat on behalf of the proposed laws on the grounds that they will help protect valuable copyrighted property. And while the goal is laudable, the ends don’t justify the means. The Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act have far-reaching consequences for the Internet’s infrastructure, individual liberties, and innovation in the digital age.
  • Under the laws, upon a court order, third-party companies and websites would be forced to crack down on rogue websites — and even ones that unwittingly host or link to material that may violate copyrights or trademarks, whether or not they have knowledge of the violation. Internet service providers would be required to block Internet addresses of offending sites — a measure that Internet engineers warn could threaten Internet security. Search engines would be prohibited from including pirate sites in search results, a requirement that goes well beyond current law and may, in fact, violate the First Amendment. Heritage’s James Gattuso and Paul Rosenzweig explain ramifications:        

Read the rest here…..

We have to stop SOPA and PIPA now, in their tracks, or they will truly be seizing our last bastion of conservative freedom. Use this link: TAKE ACTION NOW!

Related cartoons



Monday, January 16, 2012

YES! Three conservative victories worth noting …

By: Cal Thomas

norightturnthumbWhile most attention is focused on the presidential race and Republican hopes to oust President Obama from office, some significant steps were taken last week on issues dear to the hearts of conservatives.

  • In Texas, a federal appeals court upheld the state's sonogram law, which requires that women seeking abortions view a picture of their baby before having the procedure. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a lower court ruling, which had issued an injunction, preventing the law from taking effect…
  • Elsewhere on the social issues front, a Marion Superior Court judge in Indiana upheld that state's school voucher law. Judge Michael Keele rejected arguments from opponents that the nation's largest school voucher program is unconstitutional because parents might send their children to religious schools…
  • Then there is the Supreme Court's unanimous decision in Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. EEOC. At issue was whether a church or religious organization could hire and fire ministers according to their theological beliefs and teachings…

There is the potential for further advancement on life and education issues if the Republican presidential candidates talk of informed choice when it comes to abortion and education for children fortunate enough to have been born.

That is, if they are smart enough to do so.

Read it all here….

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Wisdom of Jefferson - A Great Quote Collection

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[With all the chaos on the world and national stage, it may be a good time to look at the wisdom of our third president. Much of what he said would be scandalously politically incorrect today... yet, it's truth would remain. And the truth shall set us free, but only if we take heed.]

Responsibility & Effectiveness of Government

The care of human life and happiness, not their destruction, is the legitimate responsibility of a good government.

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned – this is the sum of good government.

That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

Read a whole lot more great quotes here …

The Abolition of Gender – Fungible sexes?

By Fay Voshell

The far left in Europe and America has attained the same phantasmagoric and orgiastic repudiation of reason as their predecessors, the leaders of the French Revolution

The hopes of egalitarianism embraced by the leaders of the French Revolution included eliminating real and perceived inequities by abolishing class distinctions, which project included killing off the aristocracy and clergy while de-Christianizing society.  They hoped by so doing to begin society anew. 

However, in their wildest dreams, none of the leaders of the mobs ever advocated the elimination of gender as a means of establishing liberté, egalité et fraternité.

But the addled progeny of the Revolution, here and abroad, are seeking to do just that.  The hope appears to be that the end of discrimination will be achieved by rendering the sexes fungible -- or better yet, nonexistent.  The elimination of gender distinction and the establishment of androgyny are to usher in communal utopia.

Read more:

Obama and the Will of Allah

By Jesse Weed

Much of the reasoning that Neville Chamberlain used to arrive at his policy for dealing with the Third Reich is eerily similar to the Obama administration's reasoning about Islamism.

No, Islamism is not Nazism.  Islamism is the belief in the religious and cultural superiority of Islam, and Nazism is the belief in the racial and cultural superiority of Aryans.  Both believe in the right of domination.  The parallel between Islamism and Nazism unfortunately fails in another important respect: Islamism is a hydra-headed monster.  Islamism has no identifiable or centralized leadership like Hitler and the Nazi Party for Nazism.

The unfortunate aspect of a lack of a centralized and locatable center of Islamism is that Islamism does not present a consistent geographic or leadership target.  The Islamic world is a Petri dish for Islamists and Islamism.

Are they equally threatening?  Certainly not, militarily.  That is not the point here.  The point here is that Chamberlain's reasons for appeasing Nazis and Obama's reasons for accommodating Islamism are quite similar -- at least initially. But Obama takes the reasoning a significant step farther.

Read more: