First Time Since Carter Years, Productivity Drops for Third Consecutive Quarter: Second quarter productivity was revised down to a decline of 0.7%, the biggest drop since the fourth quarter of 2008, from a first reading of -0.3%. It has fallen for three quarters in a row, for the first time since 1979.
America’s Uncle Omar problem: “Always remember. Never forget.” The phrase is now emblazoned in red across the U.S. Department of Homeland Security website. But as the Obama administration disseminates its talking points to mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 jihadist attacks, the White House remains stone-silent about the president’s Uncle Omar problem. The refusal to deal with Uncle Omar tells you everything you need to know about the emptiness and impotence of Washington’s 9/11 platitudes. [The WH whitewasher denied that Obama even knew the uncle was here. Seems Obama must have forgotten that he said his uncle was here in one of his books! – JS]
A GAO report found that 32% of the [Federal Highway Transportation Fund] didn't go toward highway or bridge construction and upkeep from fiscal 2004-08. That rose to 38% in 2009, according to an analysis by Ron Utt, senior research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation. "With each passing reauthorization of HTF, more and more groups organized and hired lobbyists to get a piece of the action," Utt said. "And many of them were successful.” [I wonder if this 38% is representative of the disposition of our federal expenditures as a whole. If so, it shouldn’t take long to balance the budget! (Smile) – JS]
The Federal Housing Finance Agency is set to sue more than a dozen banks—including Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank—for misrepresenting the quality of mortgage securities. [Is this because these banks are refusing to reinitiate loans to home buyers who can’t afford them? – JS]
New emails reveal that three White House national security officials were aware of the Fast and Furious gun-tracking operation that resulted in the death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent. > Screw up, move up, cover up. It’s the Holder way, the Obama way, the Washington way. And innocent Americans pay. [How long can Holder at DOJ hold out? Why hasn’t Obama cut him lose long ago? Is it because Obama knows Holder knows Obama knows? – JS]
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