By John Sykes
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
And what is the lesson of this little rhyme,
A lesson with meaning for us in our time?
The lesson is this and its meaning is true:
There are certain things that the state cannot do.
If all the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Cannot put an egg together again,
Is it not a false hope, an illusion, a sin
To ask civil servants to reconstruct men?
!Folks, they’ve botched it. Our King and all the King’s Czars men have driven our economy into statist oblivion.
One big question is how did they do it? In Bernanke's Manslaughter of US Economy:
Historically, the cycle starts with growth, and then boom followed by bust, then contraction, stability, growth, and so forth. Unfortunately, as the contraction phase was about to begin, Bernanke went into action.
The selective destruction of Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns and the careful rescue of Goldman Sachs, AIG, Citigroup, Bank of America, GM, and many more, were deliberate choices made by this select group of men.
It should the business cycle that determines the winners and losers, not those who believe they’ve come down from Mt. Olympus. Their actions, in my opinion, were not only illegal, but also highly unethical and very immoral.
There are many other ways in the pursuit of entitlement bribery that the progressives and Obama have destroyed the economy. In the end they all come down to the fact that we have had significant negative structural shocks.
The more troublesome question is have they so structurally changed our economy that we cannot recover, cannot revisit the economy we once had?
I don’t know! I do know that we have to de-invest in a fast dying status quo, and prepare to embrace real change that involves structural reform. We need to return to what built this country over the last 200 years. Or die, figuratively or literally, doing so!
And we had better do so soon!
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