Classical Schools: Back to a Better [Christian] Education: “…when the classical approach is mixed with Christianity, the result is powerful. Children become men and women who have taken a Christian worldview to heart.”
The Latest Obama Administration Fake Budget Cut Proposal’: What we’re seeing is ginormous increases in the federal Leviathan – subsequently back-door locked-in by 5% cut proposals to the new, gigantic amount. These tiny proposed cuts will most likely never come to pass. But the huge increases will have already done so. And thusly does the Less Government seriousness of the Obama Administration and the DC Establishment (read: sarcasm) – and our rocket ride to Huge Government oblivion – continue unabated.
Red Tape Rising: The regulatory burden on Americans has continued to increase during the first half of FY 2011, with $5.8 billion in new annual costs and $65.5 billion in one-time implementation costs. Overall, 75 new major regulations costing over $38 billion annually have been imposed by regulators from the beginning of the Obama Administration to mid-FY 2011. Action by Congress as well as the President to stem this regulatory surge is essential.
[What Obummer can’t do with legislation, he will do with oppressive regulations or selective legal enforcement! – JS]
DC Earthquake: The President has just confirmed that the DC earthquake occurred on a rare and obscure fault-line, apparently known as "Bush's Fault". The President also announced that the Secret Service and Maxine Waters continues an investigation of the quake's suspicious ties to the Tea Party.
Conservatives however have proven that it was caused by the founding fathers rolling over in their graves.
Biden’s pro-choice sensibilities are really a no-choice abomination! Women in China have no choice over their bodies. The state enforces its policy with a totalitarian regime that requires IUDs, aborts children, and tortures and maim women who attempt to exercise choice.
Biden’s professed “pro-choice” sensibilities have been exposed as pro-abortion with this shameful suck-up to Beijing on a policy that no US envoy should profess to “fully understand.
Surprise! Surprise! Since Eric Holder took the reins as Attorney General, the Justice Department has hired 15 career attorneys in the Civil Rights Division’s Employment Litigation Section—
all of whom have left-wing ideological credentials.
Pander Mandate Mania: In a hapless bid to mollify minority politicians and criminal flash mobs of jobless hooligans in their districts across the country, the White House last week issued an executive order "establishing a coordinated government-wide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the federal workforce." Apparently, as record numbers of people collect food stamps and unemployment benefits,
what's really eating at them isn't their hopeless dependency. It's the skin color, national origin and gender breakdown of the Nanny State drones doling out their public benefits.

Tell a liberal how much you appreciate that the Obama economy is a system of checks and balances.
He writes the checks, you pay the balance!
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