Obama Calls for More Federal Money for Roads, Bridges and Airports to Create Jobs: In his weekly address on Saturday, President Barack Obama called for Congress to approve more money for a new—and vaguely defined—program to repair roads, bridges and airports as a means of creating jobs for construction workers. … The president did not explain how loaning money to a company that wants to help repair a road, bridge or airport would cause more roads, bridges or airports to be repaired and thus necessitate the hiring of more construction workers to repair them. He also gave no details of the loan program he envisions—who would qualify for a government loan under it or on what terms the lenders would pay the taxpayers back. [Obamadog won’t learn any new trick and just keeps using his old ones. He’ll just keep chasing his tail til he has broken us! – JS]
Appeasement Isn’t Working: We’re Building Islamic Centers for Them, They’re Building Bombs for Us: Call me crazy, but I think it must be hard for our military to shoot people and crush our enemies – which, after all, is the point of having a military – if our soldiers are busy laying bricks or nailing up boards or putting the finishing touches on the roof of a building instead of engaging in battle. Such humanitarian efforts are best handled by the Red Cross or a missions group, not by our fighting forces. Yet to make matters worse, our troops are not only building buildings in the Middle East, they’re building Islamic Centers in Afghanistan. And as usual, in this era of political correctness and Obama-sponsored appeasement, they’re building such centers to prove “that the U.S. is not trying to change the Afghan people or their religion.” Have the decision-makers forgotten we’re not in Afghanistan because the hotels in Florida were full?
Rogue government, USA: American government is still rogue, and our leaders have not relinquished their dedication to mad profligacy. Now, with the Super Congress in place, and as of yet unchallenged on constitutional grounds, the designation of “rogue” reaches another level of enormity. Scary, in that it goes in entirely the wrong direction, towards oligarchy and away from republic.
INCREDIBLE: New Low: 17% Say U.S. Government Has Consent of the Governed: Fewer voters than ever feel the federal government has the consent of the governed. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 17% of Likely U.S. Voters think the federal government today has the consent of the governed. Sixty-nine percent (69%) believe the government does not have that consent. Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided.The number of voters who feel the government has the consent of the governed - a foundational principle, contained in the Declaration of Independence - is down from 23% in early May and has fallen to its lowest level measured yet. Perhaps it's no surprise voters feel this way since only eight percent (8%) believe the average member of Congress listens to his or her constituents more than to their party leaders. That, too, is the lowest level measured to date. Eighty-four percent (84%) think the average congressman listens to party leaders more than the voters they represent.
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