… ideology is a man-made formulation: It is the enemy of true conservatism, which is governed by revealed truth and the wisdom of those who have gone before us. And it is certainly an enemy of the Gospel which rest on revealed propositional truth.
Semper Fi! Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, Brian Williams and a tough old U.S. Marine Sergeant were captured by terrorists in Iraq . The leader of the terrorists told them he'd grant each of them one last request before they were beheaded and dragged naked through the streets.
Here's What You Need To Know About Rick Perry's Prayer Rally:
The rally, with it's emphasis on national redemption and salvation, hits all the high notes required of presidential candidates courting evangelical voters. What sets Perry's message apart is its scale — next to a Texas stadium prayer revival, the Aug. 13 Ames Straw Poll will look minor league….But Perry, unlike Palin, has coupled that grassroots effort with support from the old vanguard of the Religious Right — which still holds the keys to the fundraising kingdom. Combine that with the backing of minority evangelical leaders, and The Response appears to have, at least temporarily, unified the conservative evangelical base. [It’s no secret that I think Perry can and will be the next President of the US! The Bible tells us: Select capable men from all the people--men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain … (Exod 18.21, NIV) – JS]
Back to Big Government-Spending as Usual: As the curtains closed on D.C.'s debt-ceiling theater, Obama wasted no time putting his new "investment" priorities on the table: higher taxes, more funding for endless unemployment benefits and a "national infrastructure bank."… Yes, ignore the bicker-fest. Democrats and Republicans are joining hands to kick the proverbial can down the road, toss it over the guard rail and plunge it irretrievably into a Grand Canyon of $6 trillion in new debt over the next four years. It's back to big government-spending as usual. Party on.
Coburn: ‘Yes,' Federal Spending Will Be Higher in FY 2012 than in FY 2011: Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) told CNSNews.com that the Budget Control Act of 2011 does not actually cut spending for fiscal year 2012, which means the federal government will spend more in FY 2012 than it did in FY 2011. [Great deal, Folks! – The more truth we get, the worse it’s going to be. When will we stop letting them flimflam us? – JS]
Obama Issues Statement Marking Ramadan, But No Easter Statement This Year: A review of presidential statements documented at whitehouse.gov indicates that Obama has apparently not issued a statement specifically about Easter since taking office in January 2009. [And Obummer says he is a Christian? Come on… – JS]
"The greatest violator of the principle of equal liberty is the State. Its functions are to control, to rule, to dictate, to regulate, and in exercising these functions it interferes with and injures individuals who have done no wrong. The objection to government is, not that it controls those who invade the liberty of others, but that it controls the non-invader. It may be necessary to govern one who will not govern himself, but that in no wise justifies governing one who is capable of and willing to govern himself. To argue that because some need restraint all must be restrained is neither consistent nor logical. " -- Charles T. Sprading
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