From way down the rabbit hole > U.S. Eats Up Most of Debt Limit in One Day: U.S. debt shot up $239 billion on Tuesday — the largest one-day bump in history — That increase puts the government already remarkably close to the new debt limit of $14.694, which means one day’s new borrowing ate up 60 percent of the $400 billion in new space Congress granted the president this week.
Were You There When
They Crucified My Lord?
INCREDIBLE! “US debt shot up $238 billion to reach 100 percent of gross domestic project after the government’s debt ceiling was lifted, Treasury figures showed Wednesday… The new borrowing took total public debt to $14.58 trillion, over end-2010 GDP of $14.53 trillion, and putting it in a league with highly indebted countries like Italy and Belgium… “The last time US debt topped the size of its annual economy was in 1947 just after World War II. By 1981 it had fallen to 32.5 percent.”
[Yah! The ultimate entitlement …! These series are absolutely hilarious:
The Great Debt Ceiling Debate &
The Great Debt Ceiling Debate – The Epic Conclusion – JS]
"The men who administer public affairs must first of all see that everyone
holds onto what is his, and that private men are never deprived of their goods
by public men." -- Marcus Tullius Cicero
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