
Monday, February 1, 2010

You Don’t Need a Washington Task Force to Understand the Middle Class

by Joe 'The Plumber' Wurzelbacher at

It was kind of hard to stop laughing when I read that Joe Biden is leading a Task Force to study what’s on the mind of middle class Americans. Give me a break.

It would be funny if it were not so sad that those in Washington need a special commission to figure out what America thinks. How can we be represented in the first place if the people we hired to carry our hopes and fears are so clueless?

Here’s my suggestion Mr. Biden—take a trip to any town or city and sit down for an early breakfast in a coffee shop. Stop talking long enough to listen. Try a barber or beauty shop for the same lesson. Have a beer in a tavern. The key here, Mr. Biden—and all you folks from Washington, D.C. who have become so frightened that people are expressing their independent will at the polls—is to stop pontificating long enough to actually hear what we are saying…

Maybe being truthful and actually listening will then lead you to the plain and obvious fact that we are mad as hell that you and the rest of the political class in Washington can barely disguise your contempt for those of us who live outside Washington . We lost a lot of our retirement savings in this economic meltdown because of government fumbling and a whole lot of us lost the jobs that we depend on to feed our families because you think raising money for government is more important than letting it work in the economy. We don’t think that cutting special deals with plaintiff lawyers, reluctant Senators, unions or big banks with our money just so you can buy their votes has helped us as much as it has helped you. And, for Pete’s sake, we don’t think that the answer to every problem we face is shifting more of our earnings to the 40% of the population who don’t pay any income taxes at all. Read more…

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