
Monday, February 8, 2010

Quick Quips – 2/8/10

Am I crazy? Is Arianna Huffington supporting the The Tea Parties?: Canaries in the Political Coal Mine? She said: “And more and more of them, frustrated and convinced that their leaders don't have any empathy for their situation, will increasingly turn to movements like the Tea Parties. Will our leaders -- finally -- hear them now.”

Oh, great! Yet more bureaucracy from BHO! New Federal Climate Change Agency Forming - Stop It now!

YES!!! BREAKING: Mike Pence Endorses Marco Rubio

Did Sarah Palin Kill the Tea Party Movement? by W. James Antle, III: My own view is that the relationship between tea party activists, the Republican Party, and the conservative movement is more complicated than this and I spell this out in the forthcoming issue of the print magazine. But in order to be successful, I think the tea party movement has to walk the fine line between eschewing political nihilism (acting as if partisan politics doesn't matter at all) and unquestioning loyalty to Republicans [political parties]. It's a harder balance to maintain than it initially sounds. Read more…

INCREDIBLE! Socialism Viewed Positively by 61% of Liberals and 53% of Democrats

AMBUSH Watch!  Sandbagging 101 - A Six-Hour Infomercial Can't Save Obamacare by
  … the reality is that Democrats have no intention of including conservative ideas this late in the game. The Washington Post reports that White House officials “said the president will come to the health-care summit armed with a merged version of the two bills that Democrats strong-armed through the two chambers with almost no GOP backing.” And The Post adds that Congressional Democrats show no signs of intending to listen to new ideas either: “In separate statements Sunday, Democratic leaders praised the president for calling the bipartisan summit but made clear they are not prepared to give up on the progress they made last year.”…
  If the President were really interested in bipartisan reform, he should have reached-out to conservatives months ago… If the President truly is interested in bipartisan health reform, he needs to step back and start over. His six-hour February 25th Hail Mary pass just isn’t going to cut it. Read more...

A lot of mad people! 75% Are Angry At Government's Current Policies

Public-sector Unions Bleed Taxpayers to Help Dems by Michael Barone at
  Public-sector unionism is a very different animal from private-sector unionism. It is not adversarial but collusive. Public-sector unions strive to elect their management, which in turn can extract money from taxpayers to increase wages and benefits -- and can promise pensions that future taxpayers will have to fund.
  The results are plain to see. States like New York, New Jersey and California, where public-sector unions are strong, now face enormous budget deficits and pension liabilities. In such states, the public sector has become a parasite sucking the life out of the private-sector economy. Not surprisingly, Americans have been steadily migrating out of such states and into states like Texas, where public-sector unions are weak and taxes are much lower…
  Obama's Democrats have used the financial crisis to expand the public sector and the public-sector unions. Read more…

Delusion is Time calling this elitist troll's rant an "article" - "Sarah Palin has delusions of grandeur .."

Why are liberals so condescending?

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