
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Quick Quips – 2/4/10

BHO Calls Navy Corpsman a "Corpse-man" During Prayer Breakfast... Can he pronounce jackass? Video:

WOW! 53% of Dems View Socialism Positively! Hmm - Might that have anything to do with current leadership?

Klein-West congressional race could be one of nation’s costliest 

The quality that gives the Tea Party movement its legitimacy is that it is so fundamentally illegitimate!

INCREDIBLE! Man Who Attacks Pope as Hurting People in the Name of Jesus Gets Appointed to Oversee Faith-Based Initiatives

BHO said "I don't know what would differentiate us [Dems] from the other guys." Hmmm, competence?

"We’ve got to spend our way out of this recession.” : Obama's Budget: Fiscal Armegeddon

APPEASEMENT Watch : BHO, How's that Iran thing going? Or the Russian, Chinese, Palestinian, etc.  thingees? "America Rides off Into the Sunset" Read more…

A Liberal Double Standard - "Fairness is not a liberal value"

Forward to the Past by Paul Greenberg at
  Some things still surprise. Even about politicians. Barney Frank, for example. He's just come out for disbanding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac…
  Yes, that Barney Frank. The very same. The chairman of the House Financial Committee and the moving force -- indeed, the uncontrollable force -- behind Fannie and Freddie, those terrible twins and financial tumors whose bad loans led to the meltdown of the housing market. And then to general panic as banks, insurers and investment firms followed suit…
  It's the spirit of a feckless age: Act now, think later -- if at all. A crisis, to quote this president's consigliere, Rahm Emanuel, is a terrible thing to waste. Read more…

BHO "always responds to imaginary arguments no one made, rather than the questions actually being asked."

In the same vein: The President's GOP Outreach Comes Too Late - A photo-op is not the same as compromising on policy.

When Did the American People Elect Eric Holder Commander in Chief?

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