
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Quick Quips – 1/30/10

Where are all our Francophile liberals now that France follows up on banning the Islamic veil?

AMBUSH Watch! Sen. Hatch Warns of outright war if the Dems try ObamaCare Reconciliation

INCREDIBLE! BHO to takeover football? "Football, hot dogs, applie pie...and federal intervention".

Why do "pro-choice" but obviously "pro-abortion" femi-nazis think they have the right to deny free speech to Tebow and mom?

SHAME! SEIU attacks truth with anti-tea party website offering tea partier tel. #s!

Without Hurricane Katrina, N'Orleans could not have rebuilt horrible school system to charter model!

State of the Union Grade: F [One of the better summations of BHO's attempts to "fundamentally transform the USA] : Mr. President, your presidency is flailing. Your plan is failing. Your popularity is faltering. Our union is falling apart. We are not better off than we were a year ago, and it's time to quit pretending we are. It isn't helping our country to present false hope. It is an audacity of denial. The truth isn't "yes, we can"; it's "no, you haven't." - State of the union grade: F
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WOW! Investors now view a default by the U.S. Treasury more likely than a default by the Coca-Cola

Obama Fails To Learn – by Kathryn Lopez at Nat. Rev. Inst. says that, by 65% / 25%, people worry about big government more than big business. 79% of voters agree that Congress has lost sight of its constitutional limits; 53% of them 'strongly' agree. Read more…

Taking a dollar from me and giving it to you doesn't create a job!

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