
Friday, January 29, 2010

Quick Quips – 1/29/10

GDP Is Up, But Government Unions Ate Your Raise - Their pay rose at twice the rate of their private sector counterparts.

PROPAGANDA Watch! Insecurity and Change Commission – by the WSJ - Never mind Madoff, SEC gumshoes are on the climate beat. This advances the White House goal of making a carbon-capped economy a fait accompli … Read more…

Peggy Noonan at The WSJ: The Obama Contradiction - Washington is sick and broken—and it can solve all our problems. .. “We need a real adult in the White House because we don't have adults in the Congress." Read more…

There Was the President's Speech, and There Is Reality by David Limbaugh at
Do conservatives have better ideas? Of course. Restore market forces through tort reform, strengthening health savings accounts, abolishing government coverage mandates, allowing consumers to purchase policies across state lines and eliminating the tax laws incentivizing employer-provided health care, which unnecessarily increase demand by making prices invisible to consumers …
  A candid Obama would have said, "If any of you have a plan that does not involve restoring market forces and reducing government's role in the health care industry, I'll at least pretend to look at it." "Make no mistake," neither Obama nor his Democratic colleagues will support genuine health care reform, because to reduce costs, we must reduce government control, and they can't abide that. Period.
Read more… 

Leftwingers Outraged by Being Associated with Leftwingers by Humberto Fontova at
   …Nazis (and by implication all “right- wingers,” past and present) were inherently wicked.  Their agenda was evil from A to Z, their methods along with their goals.
  Communists (and by implication left-wingers) at least mean well. Oh, they might get a tad overzealous at times (killing more people than the Nazis and the Bubonic Plague combined, as documented in the Black Book of Communism, for instance) but at least their hearts were in the right place. Even Barry Goldwater might get it. “Extremism in the defense of socialism is no vice!”
  In a one hour special titled “Revolutionary Holocaust; Live Free or Die” run on January 22nd Glenn Beck mounted a full-frontal attack against the above notion—and left it a smoking cinder.  First off, by sourcing Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism, Beck swept aside a premise that often handicaps conservatives from the get-go: the premise that Nazis belong on the right.  Bombarded by relentless documentation to the contrary, this liberal bromide quickly blew up, and the program proceeded to report on the notoriously under-reported Communist holocaust. Read more…

The Tea Party movement should embrace the credo: principles not politics. We should be America's conscience!

"The intellectuals and the young, booted and spurred, feel themselves born to ride us." Eric Hoffer

WOW! Miami Herald: "Stupid people should not have guns." Or knives .. or sticks .. slingshots .. or cars .. or cell phones .. or obesity .. or opinions? I guess they’ll just IQ, FCAT, SAT or otherwise rank us? Then what?

Why Is Senator Kirk Still Voting on Legislation? - by SusanAnne Hiller at Why is the GOP allowing the Democrats to blatantly violate Senate and election rules and laws? Where is the GOP leadership? Will Kirk’s votes stand?  Massachusetts voters deserve an explanation as does the rest of the country for this blatant abuse of power. Read more…

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