
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Quick Quips – 1/23/10

"Public servants say, always with the best of intentions, 'What greater service we could render if only we had a little more money and a little more power.' But the truth is that outside of its legitimate function, government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector." -- Ronald Reagan

Obama's Cross of Arugula  by Tom Bevan 
  So today we got a glimpse of the new, populist Obama. He feels our pain. He will fight for us until his very last breath (even if he's fighting to pass policies the public doesn't like, apparently). He is going to get every dime of our money back from those evil banks on Wall Street (even though most have already paid back what they owe.)
  The White House seems to think a pivot to populism will help the President politically. But it probably won't. Here's why: Obama isn't a "man of the people." Never has been. That isn't the image he ran on during the campaign, and it isn't why people voted for him. Even more to the point, it certainly wasn't how he governed during his first year in office…
  Politicians try to reinvent themselves all the time, and some find success. But it only works if there's some credibility behind the shift - some truth in advertising, if you will. That's why its' hard to see the public buying into Obama's impersonation of William Jennings Bryan. It's simply not who he is. Read more…

YESSS! "Unionocracy" finally has an opponent in "corpocracy".

To Olbermann: Freedom to buy elsewhere will always be more powerful than "corpocracy"!

The biggest critics of corpocracy, the lame street media, are in fact corpocracy’s primary abusers!

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