
Friday, January 15, 2010

Quick Quips – 1/15/10

Looks like I won't be in voting booths very long ... I've decided to vote only for those I respect!

This left me "twitterless"! : "White House Budget Director Blames Old Computers for Ineffective Government"--headline, Hill Web site, Jan. 14

Is God Mad At Haiti? "My answer is that I simply don't know and I don't think Pat Robertson does either."

Tea Party Leaders See Movement Becoming a Potent Force by John Loudon - So the Tea Party movement is here to stay.  And politicians take note.  It is not about Republicans or Democrats or starting third parties.  As Emanuelson explains. “The mainstream media has gotten the Tea Party Movement wrong. It’s not about the various national organizations, or even purported national leaders. It’s about the thousands of local tea party organizations that are loosely collaborating to return limited Constitutional Government, free markets, and fiscal responsibility to the United States“.  So the Party that delivers candidates that meet those standards will reap the rewards of a massive pool of well-trained new recruits.  If you cannot understand that, well, we cannot understand it for you. Read more…

Support & pray for Haiti - but keep an eye on those in DC who will use the distraction for their own purposes!

ALERT! Bubble warning from - Markets are too dependent on unsustainable government stimulus. Something’s got to give! [ This is a MUST READ! – JS ] Read more…

When did ‘Profit’ become a Dirty Word? by Meredith Turney at Profit may be considered a dirty word in Washington, D.C., but it’s a word that deserves continued respect and elevation in the American lexicon.

My Working Theory on Brown v. Coakley: Democrats Want Brown to Win - Posted by Erick Erickson at  They know if Brown wins, they may be spared a vote and, consequently, defeat in November.

Let Us All Now Bail Out the States? by Ross Mackenzie:
  The foremost dictum of arguably the 20th Century's foremost economist holds, "There's no such thing as a free lunch." Nobel economist Milton Friedman meant that somewhere along the line somebody pays for everything. Government and pols tend to resist Friedman's dictum; the feds treat it with particular disdain. But right now the states are confronting it -- bigtime….
The liberal, leftist, socialist -- whatever -- is notably efficient at but one thing: giving away things that are not his (or hers). Yet Britain's former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher saw through it all with Friedmanesque clarity: The trouble with socialism, she said, is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money.
  The bare and deficit-infested federal cupboard may be the fundamental reality the states just now are beginning to confront.
Read more…

BRIBE WATCH! How are we going to digest the $6B ObamaCare union sausage being stuffed down our throats?

SAUSAGE Watch! Dems cave to unions on 'Cadillac tax'

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