
Monday, August 1, 2011

The Republicans Did It & Greece Paint – Conservative Cartoons


from hopenchangecartoons

Although their rubber noses are still honking and seltzer bottles still spraying, the clowns in Washington now say they're really and truly closer than ever to an agreement to give Barack Obama a few trillion dollars for his alleged 50th birthday this week.

The negotiations are cutting it extremely close to the August 2nd deadline which the president and his people have been repeatedly (and untruthfully) touting as "Fiscal Armageddon Day" in hopes of causing a stock market plunge which could be used to their advantage.

But the real deadline to have some sort of resolution is, and always has been, August 3rd - when Barack Obama will be hopping into taxpayer-funded Air Force One and flying over millions of unemployed people on his way to two (count 'em!) gala 50th Birthday parties in Chicago.

Surely the president deserves to unwind a little, and let down his suddenly (and suspiciously) gray-flecked hair. After spending so much time excoriating the "evil rich," what better way to relax than with close, working-class friends who will be paying $38,500 to have a little cake with the president, or sharing a "Hallmark moment" by paying an additional $10,000 to have their picture snapped with Mr. Obama.

So it looks like a deal will be finalized just in the nickel-dime. And although real cost-cutting may never actually take place, you can bet that cake-cutting will happen right on long as Barack Obama can personally make a bundle for his re-election campaign.

As Marie Antoinette once said of the starving masses, "let them eat cake."

But Barack Obama has gone her one better with his sentiments about the American people: "If they can't afford my cake, then let them eat ….."

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