
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Conservative on Target!

“Above All” – A Christian Music Masterpiece

This wonderful praise always grabs me. “Like a rose trampled on the ground” and all for me, and you, and them. Most of all, above all that is so unimportant in the light of Christian freedom!

Thomas Sowell sums it up, “Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it.” William F. Buckley Jr. is quoted as saying “The academic community has in it the biggest concentration of alarmists, cranks and extremists this side of the giggle house.” Evidence shows that they are both right.
FLASH at 9PM: S&P Downgrades U.S. Debt for First Time: S&P removed for the first time the triple-A rating the U.S. has held for 70 years, saying the budget deal recently brokered in Washington didn't do enough to address the gloomy long-term picture for America's finances. It downgraded U.S. debt to AA+, a score that ranks below Liechtenstein and on par with Belgium and New Zealand. [Our DC idiots manufactured a debt extension crisis that turned on them! I still want to know where anyone is going to find a better credit risk in any major (well, maybe major) economy! – JS]



No Limitations - adapt,improvise and overcome


TAX CREDITS PLANNED FOR VETERANS. In an effort to spur hiring of the 1 million unemployed veterans in the United States, Obama will travel to Washington’s Navy Yard on Saturday to announce two tax credits (pending congressional approval) for companies that hire veterans. They're meant to bolster his call for the private sector to hire or train 100,000 unemployed veterans by the end of 2013. The administration will also create a “reverse boot camp” that lengthens the transition time after service to allow service members to adjust back to civilian life and pursue education and job opportunities.
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta held a news conference yesterday to warn of the dire consequences of the defense budget cuts that liberals demanded in the debt deal.

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