
Friday, July 8, 2011

Conservative on Target! Sunday Sell-out, Holder Feigns, Scary Jobs, No Deal, Public Sector, Buffett, & Budget

Just Reminder — It's Been 800 Days Since the Senate Passed a Budget > The House Budget Committee's frustration is starting to show > As of yet, no comprehensive budget proposals have been put forth by the Democrat-controlled Senate or by the White House.  As the Congressional Budget Office recently reminded us, the “budget framework” outlined by the President in a speech back on April 13 is not a “workable” budget.  The CBO can’t score it because they “don’t estimate speeches.”

Warren Buffett: I Could End the Deficit in 5 Minutes: Billionaire Obama supporter Warren Buffett weighed in about deficit reduction with a hypothetical plan: “I could end the deficit in 5 minutes. You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP all sitting members of congress are ineligible for reelection.”

Next in the War Against Liberalism? Ending the Public Sector, Inc. Racket: The famous philosopher Pogo once observed, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” Reviewing the greatest threat to liberty today, I offer a corollary; “We have met the enemy and we are paying for him.” Our liberty is challenged not so much by political forces as institutional ones. Until we begin dismantling the racket that is Public Sector, Inc., we will never again enjoy the liberties and freedoms our grandparents took for granted.

Fascism Is Not Conservatism: Liberals can definitely identify with communism, as indeed they have through the years, as in their glorification of the Soviet Union in years past and their romanticizing of communist dictators, such as Cuba's Fidel Castro. But they also have far more in common with fascism than conservatives do, given their penchant for centralized governmental power and too much state control over business and industry, as we've seen most strikingly under President Barack Obama…. As political theory and actual practice throughout history demonstrate, both communism and fascism are left-wing political and economic ideologies -- as far as they can be from the right wing of the spectrum.

Sen. Jim DeMint, R-SC, claimed that President Obama has no real intention of striking a deal with Republicans on the debt ceiling. Rather, he said, the talks between congressional leaders and the White House have been efforts to “run out the clock up against his so-called deadline of August the second” in order to paint Republicans as “irresponsible.”


We Have A Totally New Scariest Jobs Chart Ever! It shows the average duration of unemployment, and it's skyrocketing without any hint of slowing down.

A Sunday Sell-out?There is a possibility that Republican congressional leaders will capitulate Sunday to President Obama and the forces of the status quo, by agreeing to a deal in which 1) we take on trillions more debt without any guarantee of fundamental structural budget reforms; 2) our tax burden is increased, damaging prospects for employment and economic growth; 3) defense spending is recklessly slashed, endangering national security; 4) spending cuts are minor, vague, and pushed off into the speculative future; and 5) entitlements are squeezed a bit but not fundamentally reformed, thus resembling Obamacare's Medicare cuts rather than Paul Ryan's.

WOW! Eric Holder Feigns Ignorance of Operation ‘Fast and Furious’ Now, But He Bragged of Overseeing Its Implementation in 2009: [ATF Director]Melson is on record saying that “Justice Department officials sought to limit and control his communications with Congress.” Moreover, when he saw the storm clouds rising and attempted to reassign “every major official involved” in Operation “Fast and Furious,” Melson said “Justice Department officials directed him and other ATF officials to not communicate to Congress the reasoning behind the reassignments. [ This isn’t obstruction of justice? Is Obama involved? Will he ever get rid of Holder? – JS]

Six Months After Tucson Shooting, White House Readies Gun Control Stance: Whatever direction the White House takes, the president emphasized that something has to be done, "None of us should be willing to remain passive in the face of violence or resigned to watching helplessly as another rampage unfolds on television." [Oh, oh! Is Obummer coming for our guns? Hope he tries.Then he’ll be electoral toast. Here’s the best article ever on gun control. – JS]

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