
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Conservative on Target – Defense, Israel, Shell Game, Actors & More

10 Ways Conservatives Should Give Liberals Exactly What They Say They Want: “(9) Let's put salary caps in place to keep rich guys from earning money that they don't deserve. How about a maximum of $100,000 for any actor's appearance in a film? That seems fair, right? Wouldn't you agree to star in a major motion picture for $100,000?”


The Shell Game > The Dirty Little Secret of the Debt Limit: “Just as Congress has enacted a series of laws to legally limit the national debt, it has also enacted laws to allow the secretary of the treasury to temporarily change the way the Treasury accounts for money owed to government trust funds when the Treasury hits the so-called "debt limit" and needs to keep borrowing real money to keep big government going.” [ Read the post if you have the stomach for the games our politicians are playing with our futures! – JS ]

"The average taxpayer in Germany or Japan pays less for the defense of his country than the average taxpayer in America pays for the defense of Germany or Japan." -- David Bergland

imageDefend Israel.
Liberal Myth #4:"Israel was built by immigrants from European countries: they could 'go home' by going back to Germany, Austria, and Poland."
Refutation:Baloney. More than half of Israel's Jewish population is of Arab stock and came to Israel when forced to leave Arab/Muslim countries like Morocco, Libya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.

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