Obama Budget Adds $80,000 per Household to National Debt > Worse yet > CBO estimates that the national debt held by the public—40 percent of GDP before the recession—would soar past 87 percent of GDP in a decade.
The Washington Examiner’s Michael Barone writes: “When people ask me why I moved from being a liberal to being a conservative, my single-word answer is Detroit. The liberal policies which I hoped would make Detroit something like heaven have made it instead something more like hell.”
Quick Hits from Heritage:
- Deep divisions among President Obama’s Libya coalition worsened today as the German military announced it is pulling forces out of NATO over continued disagreement on who will lead the campaign.
- Adm. Gary Roughead, the Chief of Naval Operations, admitted yesterday that he has received no guidance on the path ahead for command and control of the Libya no-fly zone, no-drive zone, no-sail zone, arms embargo enforcement, and any other missions currently being managed by the United States.
- U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Wednesday there was no “timeline” for when UN-backed military operations in Libya would end, and that the outcome of the conflict remained unclear.
- On the first anniversary of Obamacare, Crossroads GPS filed a lawsuit seeking transparency on the Obamacare waiver process.
- Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) predicted yesterday that the Supreme Court will find Obamacare unconstitutional, allowing him to push for single-payer health care.
Tell your liberal neighbor that you're going to bury a "time capsule" box in your yard.
Explain that you're not going to dig it up until Obama leaves the White House in 2012, but that you’re going to make a list now of the top ten excuses liberals are going to make for his abject failure. Then when you and your neighbor dig up the box, you can see how accurate your predictive powers are. Write down: 1. Racism. 2. Racism. 3. Racism. 4. Racism. 5. Racism. 6...
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