
Monday, January 11, 2010

10 Tips for the GOP in 2010 - Voters who want Democrats out don't yet believe Republicans would be better.

By Clark Judge at The WSJ

It is an old rule of politics. When your opponent is in the process of destroying himself, don't get in his way. Despite tanking poll numbers both for themselves and their president, congressional Democrats have persisted for months in a stunning act of political self-destruction. The evaporation of home-state support for Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson and the retirements of Christopher Dodd and Byron Dorgan should give the White House and the congressional majority pause, but to date they haven't.

So should Republicans repair to the sidelines and watch the minions of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi strut over the cliff?

Not a chance.

Taking back the House and perhaps the Senate in 2010—not just doing well—will require winning back trust lost between 2000 and 2006. Here are the top 10 things the GOP must do in 2010:

10) Face up to why the party lost in 2006 and 2008.
9) Don't lose sight of why support for Democrats is tanking.
8) Face the fact that many swing voters who want Democrats out of power don't particularly want Republicans in.
7) Fight for spending cuts now.
6) For the midterm election, unite around a clear agenda of repeal.
5) Add in an agenda of market-freeing reforms in health care, energy, environmental and education policy.
4) Add to that a serious plan for moving to a surplus and reducing federal debt.
3) Start talking about the need to reform Social Security and Medicare.
2) Tax cuts must be part of the answer.1) Take a lesson from Ronald Reagan and emphasize that your programs are based on consistent principles leading to a hopeful future for all Americans.

Be sure to read the whole WSJ article here…

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